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  • Best Review
    File attachmentSkin change in 3 days! Terrific!

    I didn't have any trouble on my cheeks, but I suddenly had a really bad acne, whether it was stress or hormonal changes. I've been to the dermatologist, and the Dermatra Fraxel kit saved my life. ㅠㅠ I'much. On the third day, my skin became more elastic and smooth, and my pores felt less and less. She's good at putting on makeup.I'm surprised I've had trouble in a few days since I wrote it ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm going to use it steadily now. Don't get rid of the Dermatra Fraxel Kit! Hurray~

    볼에는 트러블도 없었는데 갑자기 스트레스인지 호르몬변화인지 좁쌀여드름이 엄청 심하게 나더라구요. 이것저것 다 해보고 피부과도 가봤는데 낫지 않는거를 더마트라 프락셀키트가 살려줬어요 ㅠㅠ 정말... 3일차쯤에 점점 피부가 탄력도 생기고 매끈해지면서 모공도 점점줄어드는 느낌이 들었어요. 화장도 잘 먹고...정말 쓴지 몇일 만에 트러블이 들어가다니 놀라움 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 저는 이제 꾸준하게 쓸 에정이에요. 더마트라 프락셀키트 없애지마세요 ! 만세

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  • Best Review
    File attachmentThat's a good idea.

    These days, I'm under a lot of stress because of skin trouble.I can't go to Corona, I'm busy with work, and the rainy season is here. I've been paying attention to this product, but I bought it right away because I got a discount and a coupon discount. It's different because I don't know how to take a picture, but the narrow one on my forehead fits in perfectly and my skin looks smooth. Overdoing it? It's been about 3 days since I used it. I feel like when your skin gets worse, your skin looks completely different when you get out of the skin care. That's how it feels like that. It's really like that. Maybe it's because you roll it long on the device when you use ampoule number three. I was surprised, too. The reviews are all so I bought it and used it, but it's not as stimulating as I thought. It's so good. I've never seen a four-staff composition like this before. I'll use it all and come to buy it regularly.

    피부트러블 때문에 스트레스 많이 받는 요즘입니다.틈틈히 받아오던 관리를 코로나로 못가고, 일도 바쁘고 겸사겸사 장마까지왔네요. 눈여겨 보던 제품이였는데 할인금액에 쿠폰할인까지 생겨서 바로 질렀습니다. 사진을 찍을줄몰라 좀 다르지만, 이마에 좁쌀 올라오던게 쏙 들어가고, 진짜 전체적으로 피부 매끈해졌네요. 오바쫌? 보태서 사용한지 한 3일째쯤? 제가 느끼기에 딱 피부가 안좋아질때쯤 관리받고 나왔을때 피부가 확 달라 보이잖아요 그 느낌이랄까? 진짜 그래요. 3번 앰플쓸때 디바이스로 오래 롤링해줘서 그런가.. 저도 놀랐네요. 후기들이 다 그래서 진짜 속는셈치고 구매해서 써본건데 자극도 생각보다 없고 넘나 좋습니다. 4스탭 이런 구성은 처음보고요. 다 사용하고 주기적으로 구매하러 와야겠어요~

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  • Best Review
    File attachmentMy mom likes it.

    I bought it as a gift for my parents-in-law. My parents-in-law are far away, so I took a picture of my mom. It's almost 60 years old, but it's good that you still take care of your skin. They love it when I buy them cosmetics. I used it, but my mom likes it because she's so satisfied. I think it'll get better with my eyes. You've been using it for about 3 weeks, can I buy it right away and use it again? I used the private goods. It's nice.

    부모님/시부모님 선물로 구매했습니다. 시부모님은 멀리계셔서, 저희 엄마사진 찍어봤어요. 60 다 되어 가시는데 피부관리를 그래도 하셔서 좋으신 편이세요. 화장품 사드리면 엄청 좋아하시고요. 사용하셨는데 엄마가 너무 만족스럽다며 좋아하시네요. 제가 눈으로 봐도 더 좋아지시 것 같네요. 한 3주 사용하셨는데 바로 구매해서 또 사용해도 되나요? 사음품 제품은 제가 썼는데 좋네요

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  • Best Review
    File attachmentIt's the fifth day of use.

    After I happened to know it after going to the dermatologist, the satisfaction level was high, so I came into the website and used it. At first, I wasn't sure about it, but I can feel my skin getting softer day by day. I bought it quickly because it was on sale. Maybe I'll buy it 3+1 next time.

    피부과 갔다가 우연히 알게 된 후 사용해보니 만족도가 높아서 공이 사이트 들어와서 사용 하게 됐어요. 처음엔 따갑고 긴가민가 했지만 하루하루 피부결이 부드러워지는걸 느끼네요 세일하길래 얼른 구매했어요. 다음엔 3+1으로 구매할까봐요

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28 Multi-Action Program
Revital Pore & Lifting Kit

A customized multi-action skin care program
Focusing on the 28-day healthy skin turnover cycle

3D Human Application Test [Effects identified by pore clinical trials]
After 4 Weeks of Use : Pore improvement effect of 12% or more

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